Monday, June 20, 2011

St. Louis!

Howdy from St. Louis! Yep, it's that time of year when I get the chance to head down to hang out in the inner city with a bunch of fabulous kids from our church's youth group! I'm trying to get some updates and photos up on the Youth Group blog, so if you'd like to see what we're up to, here you go: link

I'm feeling pretty tired this time around - exhausted, actually. With homework, lots going on in life and at work, and just general busyness I'm realizing more than ever this year that it's not about me and what I can do - it's about having the privilege of perhaps being a part of what God is doing in this city. I would really appreciate your prayers for the rest of the week!

Thanks much!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

new blog!

So - we both actually had a lot of fun blogging together on that last post. We would probably keep it up here, but I'm not exactly sure that Tom strongly identifies with the 'ladybugblue' title!

What would you do in this situation?

Exactly! We set up a new blog where we could post updates of times we have together and with friends. We back-posted a bit so there'd be a few more updates out there - AND so you can catch up on us a bit if you have the interest.

So - for future updates, check out . You can sign up there for email notifications of new blog posts. I'll still probably post here sometimes also... just for the fun of it. Sound good?